Monday, October 22, 2018

Safety First

In the petrochemical industry we spend a lot of time in safety meetings because there is danger everywhere in what we do and where we work. Nothing is user friendly, and it’s all designed to hurt you very badly, or kill you. As a long project moves on, most of us tune out at the daily mass safety meetings because the same message is delivered every day, and it gets very tedious when there is no new information. It often feels like a beating just to be in the meetings.

Tonight’s meeting was a little different. A fine young man we’ve worked the entire job with took to the podium, and it was immediately apparent he is not very comfortable as a public speaker. He read the words off a prepared document, making eye contact when he could. He told us about himself, his upbringing in a home where both parents regularly abused alcohol and drugs, and spent little time parenting. Then the inevitable divorce, how he and his sister had to raise and take care of themselves, and how cirrhosis killed his father three years ago at a relatively young age.

He didn’t tell the story to evoke sympathy, he just wanted to get our attention. At the end of a long project like ours, one that is going to end a week after it should have, there is an unspoken pressure to get things done quickly, and get the unit turned over to operations. Tempers get short, voices get loud, and the different crafts start pointing fingers and laying blame on each other as to why the work isn’t getting done. This young man’s message was to slow down, even under the pressure of meeting a deadline, and making sure we are all doing a quality job, safely.

He used some recent words from Lady Gaga: “In times of chaos and crisis, what we all tend to do is start pointing fingers at where we think the bad guys are, where the evil is. Everybody has different opinions about that. Please do not forget that hatred or evil, whatever you want to call it, it’s intelligent. It’s smart and it’s invisible. It doesn’t have a color, it doesn’t have a race, it doesn’t have a religion, and it has no politics. It’s an invisible snake.  “While evil is planning to make its attack, it is thinking to itself, ‘I am going to divide my enemy into smaller, less strong groups and then I’m going to make them hate each other, so that it’s easier to take them down.’ And as we’re all yelling at each other trying to figure out which group it is, evil is winning all around us.”

The young man closed his remarks with this: We have to get rid of these labels, these different factions; rich and poor; black and white; straight and gay; Christian, Muslim, and Jew; none of this should matter. Rather, we should all be unified in the one thing that is common to us all: our humanity. The one thing we should all appreciate in one another is kindness. This has to come before all things.

He definitely had my attention.